Thursday, July 31, 2008

A "motivational" poster...

I don't know who made this, but I've heard that the original picture was photoshopped, with the signs added in. If that's true, they did a good job. I don't think even McCain is this boring!

And a random lolcat...this time an otter. I love otters. But this one is greedy!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hedgehogs are so cute.

I think I'll call him Spike.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I mean "Kittehs". From For some reason, these never get old!

This little guy looks like my Eddie did as a kitten!

My mom knits, but I don't think she'd do this to her three grandcats:

My cats are terrified of the vacuum cleaner, too...

Oh, deer.

Poor thing. Kind of cute, though.

Six legged-deer!

Hope it will be happy in its new home!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

Why I love local news...

News bloopers are almost always funny, but to me, they're best when it's your own market with news anchors you know and love. And they're even better when they acknowledge their mistakes and laugh about them.

From my local news- WRC 4, Washington D.C.!

The Washington Craps- I mean Caps!

Jim Vance can't stop laughing, and the laughter is contagious...

News Bloopers from around the world:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This one is too cute not to share...

This has been floating around for some time. I got it in an email from a friend- "Something is lying across my keyboard, and ate my mouse!"

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

What a wonderful, weird, and hilarious place the web is...

I find so many things on the internet these days that make me either howl with laughter or scratch my head in bewilderment. I just have to have a place to share them, with a little commentary. I wish I had the talent to come up with stuff like this! I'll share my favorite funny pictures, youtube videos, and news of the day.

I saved a bunch of politically themed "macros" found at They mock all parties, so I'll try to be fair and balanced in my selections!